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Gains in Bulk



If you understand intuitive eating, you know that Intuitive Eating is an approach developed to help people heal from the side effects of chronic dieting. An intuitive eater makes food choices without experiencing guilt or an ethical dilemma, honors hunger, respects fullness and enjoys the pleasure of eating. 



Many competitors and fitness enthusiasts understand the body’s need of nutrition from a scientific approach to get the physique they desire, but don’t understand its needs from an intuitive approach. 




The fact is that there are some supplemental nutrients proven to help from a health perspective to bring more joy to life and food. Many intuitive eating experts endorse taking the right nutrients in supplement form.



Here are a few of their recommendations:




“When choosing supplements an individualized approach is always best. There’s research (double blind studies) that shows supplementation can assist with chronic conditions like diabetes, fatigue, depression, heart disease, arthritis and a range of other conditions.”


Other intuitive eating specialists, such as Kristin Willard, RDN, CSG, CL, recommends supplements as an intuitive eater.


The well-known fitness expert and writer for many publications, James Braun, suggests a tasty protein powder when your body is craving protein, whether it’s from exercise or other reasons.


Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD talks about supplements, specifically Essential Fatty Acids, in her Food for Thought speech.


Andrew Weil, M.D., who likes intuitive eating coupled with nutritional knowledge, believes supplementation is important for health, especially when not focusing on types of foods.


There are many other intuitive experts that believe in making sure your body has the nutrient balance research shows is necessary for great health. 


So what supplements do we recommend when eating intuitively? Here are our go-to favorites and the reasons why we recommend them for intuitive eaters:



One of the problems many intuitive eaters experience is eating a food they love, knowing it is going to cause pain later. Or even worse, not being able to eat the food at all because of indigestion or reactions. 



Enter digestive enzymes and probiotics. Pure plant enzymes and specific probiotics that are derived from plants can be taken with meals to help digest the foods. This allows for better enjoyment of your favorite foods. 



Athlete Digestive Formula has all the needed digestive enzymes and probiotics needed to break down all types of foods. These include all carbohydrates, protein & fats with specialized blends to digest gluten, lactose, & casein. Take 1-2 capsules before each meal, especially meals that you know might cause unwanted bloating, gas or indigestion. It is a game-changer when it comes to eating what you want.



As an intuitive eater, there will be times when your body craves protein and you don’t have time to make or feel like eating a full meal. Times like this, a great-tasting shake is perfect. 


Gains in Bulk’s GIB-100 in Vanilla Milkshake or Chocolate Malt is free of artificial sweeteners, taste like a treat, and will give your body the protein it craves.


Cori Baker, former IFBB Bikini Pro, says this about our protein powders, "I don’t use protein powder everyday, but there are times when I’m in a hurry and can’t put together a meal and this is when I’ll make a quick shake. They actually taste good! I use Gains in Bulk’s GIB100 Vanilla Milkshake (Chocolate Malt is so good too). It’s free of artificial sweeteners, tastes GOOD (not like chalk) and will give my body some quick fuel! They really are the only protein powders that I can mix into water and milk and actually enjoy. So, if protein powders are your thing, I think you’ll really like these!"



Intuitive eaters often workout simply because they love it and how it makes them feel. Adding in a pre-workout will crank up the intensity of your workouts to really feel the burn and give you the high endorphin release that you love. Our N.O. Chews taste like Sweet Tarts but provide natural energy and several other nutrients that will improve the workout experience. They are the only pre-workout that actually benefits your health because it increases blood flow and circulation without the negative side effects of synthetics and fillers that most other pre-workouts contain. It's the only pre-workout "with benefits" meaning health benefits of circulation of heart health.


Take 3-4 tablets before working out. (Plus, did you see the part about it tasting like candy?)



A good whole food vitamin and mineral supplement with specific nutrients will make your body feel great as well, regardless of what you eat that day. Gains in Bulk’s Square 1 has that area covered. 


Gains in Bulk’s Sponsored Athlete, Cori Baker (@cori_fit  on Instagram) has recently transitioned from IFBB Bikini Pro and 2 time Olympia Competitor to active Intuitive Eater and personally takes each of the products listed above to ensure that her body has the necessary nutrients for health and longevity, while still being able to enjoy the foods that she loves. She says this about each of the products, “’ADF’ is digestive enzymes and probiotic in one. I take 1 capsule (some people like 2) with each meal. If I forget, I don’t stress about it, but I really do tell a difference when I’m taking it and when I’m not.


Square 1 is a whole food vitamin and mineral. I take one of these each night. I eat a wide variety of foods, but I like to ensure that I’m getting the vitamins and mineral profile that my body needs. 


I currently exercise simply for the love of it, but sometimes I like to crank it up, adding in a pre-workout that doesn’t make me feel shaky or jittery (because that’s the worst feeling). Gains in Bulk’s N.O. Chews taste like Sweet Tarts, but provides non-jittery energy, increases blood flow, and circulation. When I do take them, I take 2 about 30 minutes before training and it supplies me with that little boost I want. (Plus it tastes like candy.. win/win.)


I mix both Glutamine and BCAAs into my water bottle to sip on while I do any kind of training. They can aid in muscle growth, retention, and help with recovery. They come plain so I like to add True Lemon or Crystal Light sweetened with Cranvia.


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