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90% Chance Your BCAAs are Causing Bloating and Inflammation in Your Gut…

That’s a pretty bold statement but here’s the proof:

If you have ever been to a large sports expo like the Arnold Classic or Olympia and walked among the thousands of vendors, you know what we are talking about. For the last two decades, our formulators have gone to most of the expos and walked the booths, looking at ingredient labels. Well over 90% of the time, the BCAA and protein powders are chock-full of Sucralose and/or Aspartame.





What does this have to do with gut inflammation?


A recent study from Case Western Reserve University, located in Cleveland, Ohio, has indicated that artificial sugars like Sucralose (Splenda) cause harmful intestinal inflammation.


Artificial Sweetener Worsens Intestinal Inflammation

Researchers from the university’s School of Medicine found that regular consumption of sucralose-infused water (most BCAA and pre-workout powders) yielded disastrous results within the bowel. This finding aligns with data from patients who have irritable bowel diseases. These people report that artificial sweeteners make the symptoms of their condition worse.





The research team found that sucralose consumption prompted an overgrowth of E. coli bacteria. They also noted an increase in bacterial penetration of the intestinal wall. But the differences didn’t end there.


As reported in Science Daily, Researchers also found that Splenda ingestion results in increased myeloperoxidase activity in the intestines.” Myeloperoxidase is an enzyme in leukocytes (white blood cells) that is effective in killing various microorganisms.


Ultimately, the scientists believe that sucralose increases myeloperoxidase activity through the increased presence of E. coli bacteria. Effectively, sucralose is indirectly stimulating the body’s natural inflammatory response by increasing numbers of harmful pathogens.





The answer?


1. Make sure your BCAAs, protein and other pre-workout supplements don’t have sucralose or aspartame in them  our BCAAs don't. 

2. Taking the world's best Athlete Digestive Formula (ADF) with each meal helps. This makes sure your friendly bacteria levels in your gut are high so you can stop inflammation and other issues from happening.


You can get 100 servings (2-3 month supply) of our Plant Based BCAAs for only $30.00 here and 270 capsules (2-3 month supply) of our Athlete Digestive Formula for only $31.95 here




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